GEN2 Wort Aerator - Air Pump Kit
Want to aerate your wort or yeast starter? but don't want to go down the pure oxygen bottle path or stir plate? then this inexpensive method is perfect for you.
Our air filter ensures that you're not going to be pumping bacteria directly into your wort or yeast starter.
To clean your sintered stainless stone, we recommend to boil it in boiling water and keep it in a ziplock bag until your next use. It can clog easily with the oil in your fingers, so gloves are advised when handling the stone and air filter.
- CE Air Pump 220-240v with 60mm length cord
- 15 Micron Sintered Stainless Stone with barb
- 0.2 micron autoclavable Air Filter
- Approximately 1.5m of EVABarrier Hosing (4mm ID x 8mm OD) hose.
Please Note
You will need to use a boiling water to soften the 4mm x 8mm EVABarrier hose, as well as some needle nose pliers to widen the internal of the hosing. Clamps are not required*
You will also be required to cut a short piece to bridge the connection for the two way air filter. This can be anywhere in the process before it meets liquid (do not submerge), as long as it is before the stone.